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Module 0-1 Introduction (26:17)
Module 0-2 Mindset Reset (19:22)
Module 0-3 Course Overview (18:14)
Module 1 - Who Am I?
Module 1-1 Identity (20:18)
Module 1-2 Skillset Stocktake (18:54)
Module 2 - Habit Formation
Module 2-1 Habit 101 (9:25)
Module 2-2 Habit Reflection and Formation (24:55)
Module 2-3 Habit Strategies (32:29)
Module 2-4 Expectations and Accountability (15:22)
Module 2-5 Troubleshooting and Traps (30:13)
Module 3 - Pillar 1: VOICE
Module 3-1 Introduction to Voice (29:50)
Module 3-2 Vocal Warmup (23:04)
Module 3-3 Vocal Practice Areas (31:34)
Module 4 - Pillar 2: BODY
Module 4-1 Body Practice Areas (21:34)
Module 4-2 Implementation in to Daily Practice (9:02)
Module 5 - Pillar 3: MIND
Module 5-1 Mind (37:56)
Module 5-2 Mind Implementation in to Daily Practice (15:13)
Module 6 - Pillar 4: SOUL
Module 6-1 SOUL (8:06)
Module 7 - Pillar 5: SENSE OF SELF
Module 7-1 Introduction to Sense of Self (8:13)
Module 7-2 Sense of Self Exercises (51:25)
Module 7-3 Implementation in to Daily Practice (7:22)
Module 8 - Pillar 6: APPLICATION TO CRAFT
Module 8-1 Application to Craft (5:34)
Module 8-2 Resources and Exercises (32:48)
Module 8-3 Implementation in to Daily Practice (10:53)
Module 8-4 Bonus Challenge (5:56)
Module 9 - Pillar 7: CAREER PROGRESSION
Module 9-1 Career Progression (19:19)
Module 9-2 Business Inventory (33:11)
Module 9-3 Business Planning (27:43)
Module 9-4 Industry 1: Presence (14:14)
Module 9-5 Industry 2: Knowledge (22:05)
Module 9-6 Implementation in to Daily Practice (14:28)
Module 9-7 Bonus Lesson: Create Your Own Work (6:12)
Module 10 - Reflection
Module 10-1 Reflection (16:26)
Module 10-2 Next Steps (7:38)
Module 2-3 Habit Strategies
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